• Mr. Tonny Bertelootpanorama_fish_eye

    Member since: 28/10/2002
    9 years

    This is a new category on the forum. The goal is to post in depth articles some of our forum members wrote about IWC topics.
    In the past, there were great posts of high historical importance, written by collectors, that faded away in the history of the forum.
    In this section, I want to highlight these articles and give them the exposure they deserve.
    If you want that one of the posts are published here, please do send us an e-mail and together with IWC, we will review them and post these articles here.
    The first article will be posted shortly, it is an article never published on the forum.

  • Koenpanorama_fish_eye
    Connoisseur 〚✅〛

    Member since: 19/02/2015
    9 years

    Fantastic idea! Looking forward to the first article :)

    Instagram @ koen.simon

  • Mr. Jarrod Gillpanorama_fish_eye
    Master 〚✅〛

    Member since: 09/05/2012
    9 years

    Great idea Tony. Look forward to learning more and reading anything I have missed.



  • Mr. sumit misrapanorama_fish_eye
    Connoisseur 〚✅〛

    Member since: 08/04/2008
    9 years

    This is a great idea Tonny. In my spare time I have always wanted to read such articles but never knew how to identify them. It will be wonderful to have all all of this in one place. Thanks!

  • Sinclairpanorama_fish_eye
    Master 〚✅〛

    Member since: 02/06/2009
    9 years

    Great initiative Tonny, the tension mounts...


  • Mr. Christoph Burckhardtpanorama_fish_eye
    Master 〚✅〛

    Member since: 06/09/2013
    9 years

    Perfect idea! Looking forward to the first article.

    Cheers Chris

  • Nelson Herringhelp_outline
    Master 〚✅〛

    Member since: 22/03/2001
    9 years

    I love this idea. There are so many wonderful things 'buried' on this site, and they should be resurrected.


  • ADRIAN van der Meijdenpanorama_fish_eye
    Master 〚✅〛

    Member since: 23/03/2001
    9 years

    I just have sent 10 different articles on IWC vintage watches and historic topics as I applaud this new approach.
    All of these have been published in peer reviewed independant watch journals such as Horological Journal in the UK and Klassik Uhren in Germany.
    As the legal copyright has been expired, they can be posted on the Forum.
    I sincerely hope that the reviewers of IWC will select those articles that reproduce historical facts and evidence based IWC topics. There is nothing wrong in expressing one's love and attraction for IWC watches but that is not scientific work and such kind of personal admiration does not specifically belong to the new opened section ( I assume).
    Kind regards,

  • dzulpanorama_fish_eye
    Master 〚✅〛

    Member since: 14/11/2008
    9 years

    Most of my "watch education" has come via the experts on this forum. This is a great way to showcase the vast knowledge pool here.

    Best regards,

    "We are the other people, we are the other people...you're the other people
    Frank Zappa

  • Mark Flemingerpanorama_fish_eye
    Master 〚✅〛

    Member since: 07/07/2013
    9 years

    I love this idea of an additional knowledge resource on the Forum.

  • Clepsydrahelp_outline
    Master 〚✅〛

    Member since: 04/08/2001
    9 years

    Excellent initiative harnessing in one location for easy reference the knowledge acquired by collectors, which would be otherwise "buried". Many thanks.

    “It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.”
    Mark Twain

  • Mr. Bob Bunnikpanorama_fish_eye
    Master 〚✅〛

    Member since: 22/08/2001
    9 years

    Fantastic initiative Tonny!

  • Skule Smørgravpanorama_fish_eye
    Master 〚✅〛

    Member since: 12/07/2011
    9 years

    Brilliant Tonny, brilliant - can't wait to see them!


  • Mr. Andrew Thomaspanorama_fish_eye
    Master 〚✅〛

    Member since: 22/12/2006
    9 years

    Great idea Tonny to create and have a review of the content before "publishing". There are a number of excellent reference articles around and bringing them altogether into one "volume" will be highly valuable.


  • Mr. Andrew Thomaspanorama_fish_eye
    Master 〚✅〛

    Member since: 22/12/2006
    9 years

    Perhaps there is also an opportunity to "invite" collectors to write about topics which have created some great discussion but one specific article was never prepared ?


  • Ronpanorama_fish_eye
    Connoisseur 〚✅〛

    Member since: 27/02/2015
    9 years

    I fully agree Adrian, as there is already plenty of space for the L&A . I hope you included the articles on RM railroad watches published before here in the forum, so they can be included in the fine article now published in honour of Giovanni. I think these will add a welth of information and belong there too as reference or links because it will improve knowledge base and access.

  • Mr. Anders Johanssonpanorama_fish_eye
    Master 〚✅〛

    Member since: 20/08/2010
    9 years

    Missad this thread for some reason...

    Great initiative Tonny!!!


    watch the time...

  • Hans Goerterpanorama_fish_eye
    Master 〚✅〛

    Member since: 26/03/2001
    9 years

    Hi Tonny,
    well spoken ("that faded away in the history of the forum.")
    I think I am one of the "faded guys".
    I heard the News about a new moderator and maybe some faded persons will re-appear :=)