Hi Tonny,
well spoken ("that faded away in the history of the forum.")
I think I am one of the "faded guys".
I heard the News about a new moderator and maybe some faded persons will re-appear :=)
... if you want to write me a PM:
Hi Tonny,
well spoken ("that faded away in the history of the forum.")
I think I am one of the "faded guys".
I heard the News about a new moderator and maybe some faded persons will re-appear :=)
... if you want to write me a PM:
Hi Hans, welcome back! I think it would be a great idea to refade back into this forum. I wonder how you fared regarding IWC.
Although there is a farewell-and-thank-you post about Michael, I guess it is Michael that kind of faded away here recently. As you started the word News with a capital N (German habit?) I just checked the News department of this forum, but there never was an official announcement and thank you by IWC here at this forum, nor was there a good-bye by Michael after being, say, 10+ years moderator here: strange and not quite good manners by both IWC and Michael, as the action of the job was foremost here at the forum and not in some restaurant in Geneva with only a small number of members.
Let's look forward: IWC came with a good update of the Pilot's watches this year, as they did with some Portuguese and Ingenieurs in previous years. This forum will get a new, different format this year. So there is a lot to enjoy and to look forward to. I hope you, and quite a few other members from the past, will participate here again: I remember some vibrant years with action from all over the world!
Kind regards,
What you do may not be so important, but it is very important that you do it well. (my variation of a saying by Gandhi)
Paul, there was a post last year -look here-
where Michael announced the news.
I know, Tonny, this was the announcement post of November 2014. When effected early 2016 I just expected a bit more from both IWC and Michael on the medium that matters, this forum.
Kind regards,
What you do may not be so important, but it is very important that you do it well. (my variation of a saying by Gandhi)
Hi Paul,
excuse my bad writing. News with an "N" is a German Habit :=)
So, it is ver strange that Micharel left the Forum without any word.
Is there a new moderator now?
Until then . . .
... if you want to write me a PM:
Hi Hans,
Tonny Berteloot is the new moderator. When you scroll down the main menu of the forum you will see a picture of Tonny.
Kind regards,
What you do may not be so important, but it is very important that you do it well. (my variation of a saying by Gandhi)
I'll check with Marco and David, my co-authors. Might be time to resurrect the article on Vintage Ingenieur Dials.
"The greatest IWC is the one that is inbound."
I'll check with Marco and David, my co-authors. Might be time to resurrect the article on Vintage Ingenieur Dials.
I agree wholeheartedly. Your article on the Vintage Ingenieurs must be one of first to be published for easy access.
“It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know
for sure that just ain't so.”
― Mark Twain
I am sure I will learn a great deal reading these articles. Thank you very much.