• Apprentice
    16 Apr 2019, 8:56 a.m.

    Dear all,

    I inhereted this pocket watch many years ago, my mother gave it to me as it
    was after her father, my grandfather. My grandfather was a bus driver back in
    the 20's, 30's and 40's, but probably used an other watch to keep time during
    the day as this is quite nice looking.

    Later weeks I started to investigate a little.

    I found some on the caliber 72 that apparently is a fishtail, but the only
    text on the movement is DUAL EXTRA and the serial number 3052xx (engine) and
    6933xx (inner- and outer lid). The dial is very special, a beatiful mix of
    gold/pearl and applied gold numbers- I have yet to see find it equal. There
    are similar out there, though.

    Anyone here has some more info on the different designs of dials, reasons for
    not identify movements with logos etc. Could it be that watch is not autentic?

    Thank you for the support.

    Best regards Arne

  • edit

    Thread title has been changed from Vintage IWC pocket watch.

  • edit

    Thread title has been changed from Vintage IWC fishtail cal 72 pocket watch.

  • 17 Apr 2019, 8:30 a.m.

    What a nice fishtail, totally in love with it. The one missing in the
    collection. No reason to think it is not authentic

  • Master
    17 Apr 2019, 8:25 p.m.

    A beauty all right and quite authentic. A very special watch and with the
    family history, a real treasure.

  • Connoisseur
    17 Apr 2019, 8:46 p.m.

    Dear Arne

    please provide the case and the movement No. [if you like privately via
    th_koenig(AT)mail.de]. I pretty sure I have some more information on your
    grandfather's watch. It appears you misinterpretated some details and I have
    notes on nearly every fishtail built.


    Thomas Koenig

  • Apprentice
    18 Apr 2019, 5:06 p.m.

    Hi all,

    Thanks for the replies.

    Dear Mr Koenig, I will send the numbers privately, but please share the info
    to the forum.

    It belongs the story that my grandfather was a huge IWC fan and that my mother
    has two lady IWC from her youth, one Ingenieur like steel- and one square full
    yellow dense gold.

    He even influenced my dad's father, my other grandfather to buy an IWC in the
    70's. He had a cushion style hummer. Now, I really enjoy the carry, looks and


    Bst rgds Arne

  • Connoisseur
    18 Apr 2019, 11:08 p.m.

    Dear Arne

    Your grandfather's watch has been sold in October 1916 to a company in
    Christiana, who probably sold it to the retailer your grandfather bought it.

    The watch in general is authentic, but the dial probably is an replacement
    from the 1930ies. In the ledgers from 1916 there is no description, that fits
    your dial. It probably was an enamel dial, which are prone to crack and that
    might have happened. Anyhow this style is not really the style for a thick
    (movement height 6.5 mm) hunter as fashionable before WW I, but of a thin
    dress watch (movement height 4 mm).

    Cal. 72 are never branded IWC and so is yours. What you read as "Dual Extra"
    correctly reads "Qual Extra", so Qualite Extra: It was regulated to high
    standards (though watch other than others is not rated as a chronometer by an
    observatory) and acchive good long-term precision with Qual. Extra parts of
    highest quality were fitted.

    Hope this helps!

    Th. Koenig

  • Apprentice
    23 Apr 2019, 5:10 a.m.

    Dear Thomas,

    Thank you so much for your valuable info.

    So, if the watch were to a 'special delivery' with this dial your opinion is
    that it would have been described in the ledger? Anyway, the most important is
    that the complete watch is IWC product, and that my grandfather actually got
    it repaired.


    Best regards,


  • Apprentice
    23 Apr 2019, 5:11 a.m.

    Dear Thomas,

    Thank you so much for your valuable info.

    So, if the watch were to a 'special delivery' with this dial your opinion is
    that it would have been described in the ledger? Anyway, the most important is
    that the complete watch is IWC product, and that my grandfather actually got
    it repaired.


    Best regards,


  • Apprentice
    23 Apr 2019, 5:50 a.m.

    Dear Thomas,

    Thank you so much for your valuable info.

    So, if the watch were to a 'special delivery' with this dial your opinion is
    that it would have been described in the ledger? Anyway, the most important is
    that the complete watch is IWC product, and that my grandfather actually got
    it repaired.


    Best regards,


  • Master
    6 Dec 2024, 9:14 a.m.


    Seems like the Nordic IWC importer at the time imported a batch of these Quality Extra Fishtails - as today another one turned up there by you guys!