• Apprentice
    17 Sep 2023, 1:34 p.m.

    Well, this is my first post here. It's good to know that there is a place to share our passion and questions about this great brand.

    I have the Portuguese 5001-07 and a problem with the size of the bracelet for deployand folding clasp. My wrist measures 17.5 cm !!!

    What would be the correct size "S" or "XS"? On the internet I discovered that "S" size measures 13.5 x 5.5 cm, but I couldn't find the measurements for "XS".

    It came with an XL bracelet (11.5 x 7.5 cm) and it is quite uncomfortable.

    Can anyone tell me the size of the DEPLOYANT strap lengths (both sides) for "XS" strap?

  • edit

    Thread title has been changed from Portuguese 500107 Strap Size fo deployand Clasp.

  • edit

    Thread title has been changed from Portuguese 500107 Strap Size for deployand Clasp.

  • Master
    17 Sep 2023, 4:25 p.m.


    Yes, I agree the strap is too large for you.

    I am sure that the concierge can assist you with your question. Please use the following email address or visit an IWC Boutique where you will be able to actually try on the strap. As you may already know, the strap for a Tang Buckle and the Deployant are completely different.

    BTW, I too have 5001-07 truly lovely Portugieser!


  • Apprentice
    17 Sep 2023, 7:52 p.m.

    Hi Mark Fleminger

    Thank you for your return.

    I live in Brazil in a small town in the interior of the State of Sao Paulo.

    In Brazil there are no more physical boutiques and so I can't try on the different bracelet sizes.

    Online sales only.

    I used the IWC tool for a watch with a diameter above 38 mm on my wrist and the measurements indicated the end of the xs and the beginning of the s. For this reason the doubt.

  • Master
    17 Sep 2023, 8:08 p.m.

    The clearest wat to ask your question to IWC Concierge. They will advise you which will fit best and also assist in ordering your part and mailing it to you.

    The only contacts I have are the following, but one of these will direct you to the correct concierge that can assist you.


  • Apprentice
    17 Sep 2023, 9:14 p.m.

    Tanks Mark.

    I will keep in touch with IWC via the emails provided

  • Apprentice
    18 Sep 2023, 7:56 a.m.

    To find the appropriate strap size for a deployant clasp like the Portuguese 500107, measure the distance between the lugs of your watch case in millimeters, which represents the lug width. Choose a strap with the same width as the lug width to ensure compatibility with the deployant clasp. Ensure that the selected strap is designed for use with a deployant clasp, considering specific requirements for strap thickness and design.

  • Apprentice
    18 Sep 2023, 2:56 p.m.

    Hello Zara

    Thank you for your help.

    Yes, I measured at these points (22 mm from tip to tip) and 18 mm at the buckle).

    I also sent an email as per Mark's instructions.

    My conclusion is that you should buy a bracelet measuring 5.5 cm on the short part (which would take the clasp 2cm to the other side) and 13.5 on the long part. This is because the current bracelet is 7.5 x 11.5 cm.

    Best Regards

  • Apprentice
    18 Sep 2023, 4:03 p.m.

    Recebi uma resposta do concierge na Europa (abaixo). Mas a pulseira indicada e exatamente a do meu relogio (11,5 x 7,5 cm), que e recomendada para Tang Buckle. Eu obtive as seguintes medidas para pulseiras Deployant Buckle IWC no Ebay:

    XS 4,5 cm x 14,5 cm para fivela de implantaçao

    S 5,5 cm x 13,5 cm para fivela de implantaçao

    XL 6,5 cm x 13,5 cm para fivela de implantaçao

    Prezado Sr.Neto,
    Obrigado pelo seu e-mail. Espero que voce esteja bem e tenha passado um otimo fim de semana.
    Fico muito feliz em saber que voce gostou do seu Portugieser Automatic IW500107.
    Em relaçao a sua consulta, gostariamos de informar que nossas pulseiras de tamanho padrao sao adequadas para pulsos entre 15,5cm e 18,5cm. Considerando que nossas tiras XS cabem em pulsos com menos de 15,5 cm.
    Nossa pulseira de crocodilo azul tem comprimento de 115/75 mm. O tamanho XS tem um comprimento de 105/65 mm.
    Portanto, como o seu pulso mede 17,5cm, aconselhamos que opte por uma pulseira de tamanho standard IWA20068, este seria o tamanho perfeito para que se sinta confortavel ao usar o seu querido Portugieser.
    Espero que esta informaçao seja mais do que util para voce.
    Desejo a voce uma otima semana pela frente.


    Lois LOBA
    Serviços de concierge IWC
    +41 52 235 73 63

  • Master
    18 Sep 2023, 10:37 p.m.

    Hi Joao,

    beautiful watch you've got there. I used to have it as well. And welcome here.

    My wrist is 17 - 17.5 cm (depending on temperature) ;-)

    And I'm fine with IWC's current XS straps for deployant clasps. The exact measurement isn't written in the books but it should work for your wrist as well. Maybe you can try before buy in an IWC boutique.

  • Apprentice
    18 Sep 2023, 11:27 p.m.

    Hello Tilo.

    Thanks for your attention. Could you please confirm the measurements of your XS bracelet. Would it be 4.5 cm x 12,5 cm? Or 4,5 x 14,5 cm?

    Are there any holes left to tighten or widen?

    Best Regards

  • Master
    19 Sep 2023, 9:15 a.m.

    I only have Big Pilot's watches on XS straps with folding clasps. The calf leather version in XS is 5 cm & 13.5 cm. The rubber version in XS is 4.5 cm & 13.5 cm.

    There are of course holes left to tighten more and to widen as well (at least one).

  • Apprentice
    20 Sep 2023, 4:13 p.m.

    I find interesting material about an IWC bracelet from 2009. It looks like it was a user here who posted it at the time. Below is the link:
